On the Eve of the Anniversary of WHO Declaring COVID-19 a Pandemic

March 11, 2021

Nearly Half Million COVID-19 Related In-bound and Out-bound Calls Handled by Cortex Registered Nurses

As the country and the world grapple with COVID-19 pandemic, Cortex has been in the center of the storm providing public and private population health officials with vaccine and testing hotline services.

March 11th, 2021 – As the nation’s leading provider of patient follow-up calls to post-acute networks, Cortex did not sit idly by while the pandemic ravaged Skilled Nursing Facilities and Home Health Agency patient populations. We transitioned quickly with our experienced Registered Nurses making follow-up calls to patients, to working with various state and local health agencies to rapidly provide in-bound and out-bound call support to keep the public informed of a quickly evolving situation throughout the duration of the pandemic.

With an existing workforce of trained and qualified nurses already making phone calls behind a technology platform, Cortex was able to provide rapid response to local and state public health agencies, thus allowing these agencies to quickly ramp up their COVID-19 public response. As the one year mark of the WHO declaring COVID-19 a world wide pandemic approaches, Cortex looks back at some milestones in our effort to help with COVID-19 response.

25,000+ Out-bound Calls Made for Miami-Dade County COVID Vaccine Roll-out
As the initial Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require two separate doses, each 3 weeks or 4 weeks apart respectively, Florida Department of Health and Miami-Dade County needed help with making outbound calls to recipients of initial doses for follow-up doses to complete their vaccination. As many as 25,000+ first responders, frontline healthcare workers, long-term care facility workers, and residents 65 years or older have gotten their second dose reminders from MDC using out-bound call center services provided by Cortex. As vaccine roll-out continues to widen in scope, we hope to continue our support to ensure residents of MDC get vaccinated.

Cortex Provide COVID-19 Responses for Multiple Agencies Across the Country
Even before vaccination efforts for COVID-19 rolled out across the country, Cortex was instrumental in helping multiple agencies with in-bound and out-bound responses. We have worked with TestUtah, TestNebrask, multiple Florida locations, including Fort Lauderdale Airport and Miami-Dade County, as well as Salt Lake County and State of Utah COVID response and vaccine efforts. In the last 4 months alone Cortex has fielded and made over 70,000+ successful phone calls for these public health agencies across the nation.

Cortex COVID-19 Response Milestones

As the Pandemic Declaration Approaches 1 year, Cortex Has Touched Nearly Half a Million Lives Through Our COVID Response Efforts
While the number is but a fraction of the lives affected by the pandemic here in the United States, we continue to be encouraged by the positivity we’ve affected in hundreds of thousands of lives, providing support for COVID related information in testing and the vaccination roll-out. As the nation continues to emerge from this pandemic, Cortex will continue to support the efforts of local and state health agencies in the fight against COVID.