Introducing the COVID-19 Command Center

March 25, 2020

Free tools, including employee surveys and basic patient monitoring, for those on the frontlines of patient care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Given this critical time, Cortex has been busy listening to our customer feedback and learning new ways and lessons to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s been extremely valuable to hear how our partners in acute and post-acute care settings have quickly adapted and worked tirelessly to continue operations as planned and improve patient conditions and outcomes.

To help address the situation and help our partners, we’ve launched the COVID-19 Command Center which, in this short time, has been successful in identifying COVID-19 and at-risk patients with possible symptoms and actual diagnoses for our healthcare partners.


Our "COVID-19 Command Center" gives providers a dashboard where they can screen, track and triage patient opportunities, adjust call scripts, and engage with their staff quickly.

1. COVID-19 Opportunities

The time is now during this critical juncture to ensure your patients are educated and recovering well at home. Cortex’s follow-up call and patient engagement platform helps your teams improve awareness, screening, patient safety, and response. Within Cortex “Opportunities”, you can screen, track, and triage patients that have:

  • been diagnosed with COVID-19
  • shown symptoms of COVID-19
  • been exposed to symptoms of COVID-19


2. COVID-19 CheckUp Questions

To screen and inform patients about COVID-19, all call scripts have been changed to ask: 

  • In the past 2 weeks, have you experienced any of the following symptoms - shortness of breath, runny nose, sneezing, fever, cough, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty breathing?
  • Do you believe you’ve had contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Do you feel like you know what to do in the event you are exposed to COVID-19?

Within the thousands of calls every day, our very early results show that about 2% are experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms but most often from past ailments. Given lockdowns and national guidance, our hope is that we’re able to continue to monitor and provide assistance to the care teams and patients.



3. COVID-19 Employee Surveys

Employee retention and infection control has become extremely difficult. We’ve created a specialized, healthcare employee survey program for this outbreak at no cost. Survey your employees weekly to gauge morale, evaluate employee symptoms, discover concerns, and convey confidence and gratitude. Providers can now quickly send:

  • One-time surveys to learn about other healthcare locations where staff work
  • Daily surveys to staff requiring temperature reporting
  • Survey to ask staff, "What do you want to know about COVID-19 and our response to the situation?".
  • Gift cards to staff who go above and beyond

While patient care, economic times, and recovery are all a concern, we look forward to supporting those of you on the frontlines of care.

If you’re interested in learning more about taking advantage of these services, please contact us here.